Friday 23 May 2014

Always plan your next move - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Master More Advanced Techniques

Always plan your next move:

A beginning player is just happy when he hits the shuttle over the net. An advanced player understands that a good game of badminton is like a game of chess -- you should always position your shot wisely so that you move your opponent to the exact place where you want him to be so you can hit the following shot. Always plan your next move and always think one step ahead of your opponent.

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* How to Jump before you smash the shuttle
* How to smash the shuttle
* How to smash the shuttle

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...

Friday 17 January 2014

BADMINTON CHAMPION LEE CHONG WEI IMAGES|Lee chong wei photos|Lee chong wei wallpapers|Lee chong wei gallery



In his early years, Lee favoured basket ball, however his mother soon banned him
from that activity due to the searing heat of the outdoor basketball court. Lee began
to learn badminton at the age of 11, when his father, who liked to play the game,
brought him to the badminton hall.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Jump before you smash the shuttle - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Master More Advanced Techniques

Jump before you smash the shuttle:

Once you've mastered the standard smash, you can practice jumping up as you smash the shuttle. This will give you even more momentum and will make the shuttle fall into your opponent's court even faster. Just jump up a foot or two, aiming your chest and body in the direction that you want the shuttle to go, and smash it at the center of its arc.

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...

Smash the shuttle - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Master More Advanced Techniques

Smash the shuttle:

Smashing is when you hit the shuttle with all of your strength at the top of its arc. Aim your free hand up toward the direction of the shuttle for precision, and then swing the racket over your head with the other racket, hitting the center of the birdie and smashing it down into the opponent's court. This is similar to serving in tennis.

When you're smashing the shuttle, aim is just as important as strength. Don't just blindly hit the shuttle as hard as you can -- you should try to aim it either as far away from your opponent as possible or right at your opponent's body so he will be caught off guard.

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...

Slice your drop shots - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Master More Advanced Techniques

Slice your drop shots:

To do this, slice the racket, or move it perpendicularly over the center of the shuttle when it's in the air. This will make the shuttle lose much of its momentum and quickly fall on the opponent's side near the net.

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...

Slice your net shots - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Master More Advanced Techniques

Slice your net shots:

This will make the shuttle spin and fall in an unpredictable direction. To slice your net shot, start the forward motion as you normally would, and then move the racket inward as you slice the racket perpendicular to the center of the birdie. Your opponent will be expecting you to hit the birdie directly forward, while it will actually spin cross court.

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...

Make your opponent play your style of game - badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching

Exploit Your Opponent's Weaknesses

Make your opponent play your style of game:

If you like staying near the net, serve short, hit drop shots, and do whatever you can to make sure that your opponent can't hit the shuttle to the back line. If you're more comfortable at the back line, then serve long and hit speedy long shots so your opponent doesn't have a chance to move you toward the net. Make the opponent lose all control as you play your style of game and maximize your strengths.

Label : badminton tips,badminton training,badminton coaching...