Tuesday 7 January 2014

Badminton Tips and Tricks : Practice these below steps to improve your playing skills, Badminton Coaching,Badminton Practice,Badminton Tips and Tricks

Badminton Tips and Tricks :

Practice these below steps to improve your playing skills.

  • Practice a lot, and you will get better.
  • In doubles confuse your opponents by hitting the shuttle between them so they are not sure which of them should go for it.
  • If your opponent tips it over the net and runs back, tip it over. It will be hard for him to reverse direction. If he doesn't run back, hit it as far as you can.
  • Always try to make your opponents move around the court and they will tire.
  • When your opponent hits a clear to you, move back quickly to get behind it. With the shuttle now in front of you, you'll have lots of good forehand shots available. You'll be able smash effectively because you can hit it downwards.
  • Use efficient footwork. You should get to your shots in just one or two steps from a central base. Don't run about the court like a panicked chicken. "Sashay" to your shot, leading with your racquet foot.
  • Try to be unpredictable. Vary with different strokes.
  • Study your opponent's weaknesses. Is his backhand weak? Does he have difficulty returning smashes to the body, returning drops, moving backwards, etc? In doubles, is one player weaker than the other? Is one better at the net than the other?
  • If playing doubles, when you serve, the server should go close to the net forcing your opponents to hit it long. Your partner, who is behind you can then return it easily.
  • Teamwork is always needed in doubles. Try to attack at the empty place. Focus at the game.
  • Communication is the key in doubles. Call for shots and tell your partner to 'leave' shots that are going out. Use visual communication, letting the player who cannot see his partner make the tactical decisions. For example, when you are in front of your partner, you decide which shots to take and where to move. Do it quickly, so your partner isn't left guessing.
  • Always shuffle fast to the birdie, never run.
  • Don't rely on your arm. Instead work your wrist to conserve your stamina. Good wrist play also required to practice more advanced shot techniques.
  • Always call the score at every point because you never know when your opponent will try to mess it up just to win.
  • Get more points so that you win.
  • Aim for the four corners of the opposite side.
  • Try not to jump up for a shot, most likely you'll stumble or not hit it the way you want to (unless you practice this a lot). Try to move backwards, or if playing doubles, trust your partner to get it. Only jump if you know you or your partner can't get it otherwise.
  • Don't start play with more experienced players. Start with the beginners first, and then go to somebody better. You could get discouraged, but don't give up. Badminton is not as easy as it seems.
  • Hit the birdie hard so that your opponent will miss and you will win.
  • Try to play drop/net shots simultaneously in same direction and then as far as possible. This will make opponent tired and will panic to return the far shot which is unexpected to him.
  • Don't just whack it back to your opponent. Try some 'drop' shots, especially if your opponent is far back.
  • Remember that badminton is a game of honesty and you get to call the hits that land on your side.
  • Practice against the wall. Try different strokes and returns.
  • Disguise your shots. For example, if you are going to do a smash, maybe clear it or do a drop shot: this will catch them unaware, and you should win the point.

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